Family Precautionary Protocols:
A child’s household must remain out of the center if any member of the household has or has been in close contact with anyone who has:
(a) A confirmed case of COVID-19; or
(b) Traveled: internationally; domestically, from an area which is experiencing widespread community transmission of COVID-19 from any area which is the subject of similar travel restrictions
under applicable state and local guidance. 14 days after the last potential exposure, your household may return provided these three things have happened:
(a) At least 7 days have passed since any household member first experienced symptoms; and
(b) Symptoms have improved for any household member that experienced symptoms (for example, cough or shortness of breath has
improved); and
(c) The household has been fever-free for at least 72 hours without the use of fever reducing medicines.
Depending on the circumstance’s administration may require the parent to obtain medical clearance before return to the center will be allowed.
Consistent with our COVID-19 Policy, the household will be required to remain out of the center for 14 days unless medical clearance is provided by a physician indicating that the presenting
symptoms are associated with a known non-COVID-19 illness. The physician’s note must not be from a family member.
Exclusion from the center is sometimes necessary to reduce the transmission of illness. For the child's comfort, and to reduce the risk of contagion, parents will be asked to pick up their child
within 1 hour of notification. Until then, the child will be kept comfortable in an isolated area and will continue to be observed for symptoms.