Daily Screening
• Daily temperature checks by Ms. Michele or Ms. Stacey will be conducted and recorded for each parent, legal guardian, or person bringing a child to day care upon arrival at the day care center. Individuals with a temperature of 100.4º F or higher, shall be excluded.
• Parent/Guardian/Staff confirms child does not
have fever, shortness of breath, or cough.
• Visual inspection of child/staff for signs of illness,
including flushed cheeks, rapid breathing,
fatigue, or fussiness.
If Visual symptoms seem present-
• We will conduct temperature screening- Satff wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
• Put on disposable gloves.
• Check and document the child’s temperature.
• Make sure your face is covered at all times during the screening.
• If performing a temperature check on multiple individuals, staff will use a clean pair of gloves for each child and that the thermometer has been thoroughly cleaned in between each check.
• If staff use disposable or non-contact (temporal) thermometers and did not have physical contact with the child, they do not need to change gloves before the next check.
• If staff use non-contact thermometers, we will clean them with an alcohol wipe (or isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab) between each person. Staff can reuse the same wipe as long as it remains wet.
In an event a child has COVID19 symptoms while in the classroom they are to be immediately taken out and isolated in the activity room. Staff fill out illness report. Parents are to be called and the Director will request that the child be kept home until they have been 72 hours fever free without reducing medication. Staff are to disinfect all frequently touched items/areas in the classroom and areas touched in the activity room while in isolation. Disinfectant bottles are kept full. Staff should make a visual inspection of the child for signs of illness which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness. Staff should wear a mask while with an isolated child and wash their hands after the child is picked up.
Any child suspected of having COVID-19, diagnosed with COVID-19, or having been in contact with persons suspected of or diagnosed with COVID-19 shall be excluded from the day care center until written documentation is provided by the child's physician that the child is no longer communicable and may return to day care.